Quick facts
- Full name: New Zealand
- Capital: Wellington
- Largest city: Wellington
- Official language: English / Maori
- Area: 268,021 km2
- Population: 4,906,230 (2018)
- Currency: New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 1 (NZD) = 100 cent
- Foreign tourists: 3.4 million (2016)
- Travel risks and hazards: Petty crime.
New Zealand, although remote country which is quite far from literally anywhere in the world is a place of natural beauty which is often picked to shoot various movies among the most famous are the Lord of the Rings, Hobbit or Game of Thrones. New Zealand is also renowned for having one of the best, if not the best rugby teams in the world and what goes with that is the old tradition of Haka which was performed before every match to intimidate opponents by the all blacks who were once majority Maori and now the tradition has been passed to the next generation of New Zealand rugby players. The incredible and quite expensive Manuka honey is exclusively produced in New Zealand as it is the only place in the world where the Manuka plant blooms.
Travelling info
All visitors travelling to New Zealand must have a valid identification document, that is a passport. There is a visa waiver programme which allows citizens of certain nations to visit New Zealand without a visa. Citizens of nations which are not included in the visa waiver programme are required to have a valid passport and a visa. Those affected by the visa waiver programme may visit New Zealand for up to 3 months without a visa unless they are British citizens which prolong that time making it 6 months without the requirement of a visa. (Visa waiver programme countries in sources). Those visitors who decide to drive in New Zealand must know that traffic moves on the left side of the road. Domestic driving permit or an International driving permit is valid for 12 months in New Zealand. After that time New Zealand driving permit is required.
Travelling hazards
Driving in New Zealand is generally safe. Road conditions are great however mountainous roads which have sharp curves and are very steep. For those not familiar with driving on the left, such roads may be particularly dangerous. Drivers should watch out for wild animals which often crossroads in rural areas.
Environmental hazards
Unlike their western neighbour which full of the most bizarre dangerous animals, New Zealand has relatively few animals which may in any way injure people. There are several venomous spiders however two may be particularly dangerous. The redback spider which somehow managed to get to New Zealand from Australia has a strong venom and a bite requires antivenom treatment to avoid serious injuries. Being bitten in New Zealand however, is very unlikely due to the small population of the spider. The Katipo spider is a native to New Zealand however it inhabits very remote areas and is seen extremely rarely. Although its venom is considered mild, medical help should be sought after as the bitten areas might get infected. There are no other dangerous animals stalking the land. New Zealand waters, however, are inhabited by many sharks and shark attacks, although rare is a possibility. There have been 12 attacks since 2010 and 123 in total since the first record. There are several active volcanoes in New Zealand however the last Eruption took place in 2012. Earthquakes happen a couple of times a month however significant earthquakes occur less frequently.
Health hazards
There has been an outbreak of mumps in New Zealand since November 2017. Every visitor is recommended to get the routine vaccines also known as MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccines. There are two other vaccinations which are recommended for safe travel, these are hepatitis A and B vaccines. Rabies has been completely eradicated on both south and north island. New Zealand provides excellent healthcare services for its citizens. Although the NHS (public healthcare) system is free for New Zealanders it is not for the expats. British citizens, however, may also receive free healthcare in New Zealand and vice versa. Visitors should consider purchasing medical insurance to cover the costs of their potential medical services. Private hospitals and clinics also deliver excellent quality of care however these come at a much higher price.
New Zealand ranks as one of the safest countries on earth. Violent crime is almost not existent whilst petty crime makes up the majority of the statistics. To minimise the risk of falling a pickpocket victim it is best to avoid exposing signs of wealth and to keep a close eye on personal belongings. Pickpockets particularly operate in crowded places like popular tourist spots or public transport. All narcotics are illegal in New Zealand. Fines and prison sentences are handed out on the basis of the offence whether it was possession, distribution or cultivation.
New Zealand is almost like a European island in the middle of Oceania. Average temperatures are very similar to those in Europe making it significantly different from its western neighbour. Remember that planning your trip with Travset.com will give you the quickest information about nearest emergency services and will also help you purchase indispensable travel insurance for the trip of your lifetime. Please feel free to comment and share the experiences of your travels with Travset.com.