We all like attention but it’s not ideal when abroad. Especially if traveling solo, on the first trip in a faraway land.
Why we say as such is as the increasing numbers of tourists traveling the globe is also giving rise to an increasing number of unscrupulous individuals who seek to separate these travelers from their money. Being situationally aware and blending in is therefore very important to detract any unwanted attention you might receive from such individuals.
1. Maintain a low profile
Speaking in a language that is not the official language of the country you are in, loudly will make sure everyone knows you for who you are, a foreigner. And a potential target for a thief or a swindler nearby.
2. Avoid being flashy
Flashing the latest iPhone or the DSLR camera that cost you many thousands of dollars is not the best of ideas, especially in a country where the local population only earns meager wages.
Such displays of wealth will only attract the attention of those who seek a target to rob.
3. Fake it till you make it
Looking lost, stopping in the middle of your tracks and looking around are sure ways to attract touts and get you the attention of those seeking their next victim to rob or scam.
If you are lost, walk into a shop confidently and ask the locals for help.
4. Familiarize yourself with the local currency
Fumbling with the money, giving too much, looking confused are all dead giveaways of a foreigner who is not used to the local currency.
We recommend taking some time out of your day to get familiar with the local currency in order to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
5. Dress as the locals do
We recommend dressing as the locals do in order to avoid standing out from the crowd.
This can easily be done by doing some shopping where the locals do.
It will also save you more space in your luggage!
6. Learn the local lingo
Learning bits and pieces of the local language is bound to make the locals friendlier towards you.
It will also alert any unscrupulous individual of your proficiency in the language and the lay of the land, making him think twice before robbing you.
7. Know where to go and what to do
Use the internet, read guide books and talk to the staff in your accommodation to get an idea of your location and its offerings.
This will help you make the most of your time, look confident and avoid areas that might end up being problematic.
8. Learn the mannerisms of the locals
Do the locals walk fast? You should too
Do they greet each other by a specific hand greeting? You should too
Are there certain rules to adhere to when individuals of opposite sex interact? You should respect them too.