
Do you need travel insurance?

Yes, you most certainly do. Obtaining travel insurance is a must-do for any traveler whether the said travel plans are for a week or a year. One must however not mistake the usual health insurance that is in power within your home country with the travel insurance which covers emergencies encountered within the period of travel.

General health insurance – covers routine medical checkups and cares for preexisting conditions. This cover does not, however, extend the borders of the country it was taken in.

Travel insurance – insurance that extends outside the home country and offers protection against any mishaps on your travels. Most travel insurances cover medical emergencies, lost luggage, travel delays and damage/theft of valuable items whilst traveling.

Not all travel insurance covers, however, are made equally and we recommend doing some in-depth research prior to obtaining one. Below are a few things to keep in mind when obtaining travel insurance prior to your backpacking adventure.

1. Ensure there is a good medical coverage limit

All travel insurance covers medical expenses but how much is covered depends on the insurance provider and the cover you purchase. Some extend to $100,000 while some go towards $1,000,000.

We recommend checking and reading the fine print on your travel insurance covers to understand what medical expenses are covered and prior to travel. This preparation will ensure you have a trip without incident.

2. Ensure your travel insurance covers emergency evacuation and care

Being away from the comfortable travel lifestyle and taking backpacking up is bound to expose you to more dangerous locations and situations. A cover with emergency evacuation and care is crucial if the trip includes high-risk activities.

3. Look at what you’re covering

It’s always a good idea to cover your flights, documents, electronics in addition to yourself. This will ensure that you are protected from theft during your travels and will not undergo any unnecessary financial pains.

4. Know your rights

The fine print in insurance covers is notoriously long and difficult to decipher. It is, however, a necessary pain as you will know your rights and are in the clear on what is claimable and what is not.

5. Know the process of claiming

Make sure you are in the clear about how to claim your cover if and when an emergency arises. Some companies require you to produce medical/police records while some ask for other documentation.

6. Travel insurance covers accidents outside your control

Being in possession of travel insurance is not an excuse for risky behavior. Accidents that occur during periods of intoxication or when under certain substances are not claimable. Loss of valuables due to negligence is also not covered.

7. You can change the cover on your trip

If you are undertaking any activities outside your cover it is wise to let your insurance agent know and make changes to your cover to reflect the new activity.

8. Do not skimp

Travel insurance is an added cost to your trip and it is very tempting to opt for a cheaper option when purchasing one. Do however remember that the cheaper covers will only cover so little during an emergency and that it’s better to be prepared with a comprehensive cover than put your health and finances at risk.