
Solo female travel myths

If asked on whether solo female traveling is a good idea you’d be hit back with no, it’s not safe, go in a group and a myriad of other reasons intended to discourage you.

We at Travset, however, believe that solo travel is one of the most liberating experiences one could have. It helps one to discover oneself in being lost and get immersed in the culture of foreign lands. It makes one appreciative of what is different and gives a sense of independence that one would not find at home.

There are however several myths with regard to solo female travel that we must dispel in order to encourage more female travelers to take to the roads with their backpacks.

1. It’s incredibly dangerous for women to travel alone

How dangerous travel is mostly dependent on the traveler in question. Most locations throughout the world are perfectly safe as long as the necessary precautions one would take at home is usually followed. Being abroad is not an excuse to let your guard down!

Common sense, some planning, and trust in your tuition go a long way.

2. You have to be single to travel solo

Being in a relationship does not disqualify one from traveling solo. Sometimes it’s difficult to get time off from work at the same time or you might prefer different things when traveling.

Most of our community, in fact, advocated traveling solo whilst in a relationship as it strengthens the bond.

3. You will be the target of unwanted attention

Catcalling, vulgar comments and other forms of harassment exists throughout the world and is to be expected on your travels. There are however several ways through which this unwanted attention could be reduced.

Wear a fake marriage ring to signify a commitment
Dress as the local women do
Be assertive and confidence
Learn to say no to unwanted advances
Do not accept drinks from strangers

4. You will be lonely

Traveling alone does not equate to being lonely, contrary to popular thinking. Most backpackers travel solo and it’s almost impossible to not make friends on your travels. Its big world out there!

5. Solo travel is limiting and boring

Solo travel allows YOU to do what YOU want, making limiting and boring the last words you would use to describe such a trip. Solo travel gives you the freedom to choose where, when and for how long. It gives you the freedom to experience what you want and no concessions.

6. Quitting your job to travel will derail your career

This is entirely up to the ambitions of the traveler in question but quitting your job to travel does not equal career jeopardy. Some employers actually consider being well-traveled as an added qualification since it displays determination, tenacity, and ability to make decisions under pressure.

7. It’s expensive

Traveling alone is slightly more expensive since there is no sharing of the costs involved. You can however always make friends with whom you can share the costs whilst traveling.

8. Solo travel is for those who are young, without kids or responsibilities

Another stereotype that must absolutely be dispelled, is the one where solo female travelers are considered to be young and without any responsibilities. Traveling is not a luxury but an indulgence that one does whilst balancing all other aspects of their life.