
Your detailed guide to bedbugs

Hated as much as mosquitoes, bed bugs are a traveler’s nightmare next to losing one’s passport or funds. These evil creatures that thrive on a diet of human blood await us in hostels, private rooms in star class hotels and are truly a nuisance since their bites sting and last for days.

There are however several misconceptions among travelers about bed bugs that we felt the need to address and this article is geared towards it.

What are they?

Bed bugs (shown above) are parasitic insects that feed on a diet of blood. These insects go through the usual life cycle of an insect and spread fast as pregnant bed bugs can lay thousands of eggs in a week.

Many travelers mistakenly associate hostels with bed bugs due to their high foot traffic and cheap accommodation. This we found is false as virtually any location, whether it be a hostel or a five-star hotel can be infested with bed bugs provided there is no effort to exterminate them.

Where are they found?

Bed bugs can be found everywhere! Think, hostels, star class hotels, movie theatres, and even your own home!

All these insects need is a slightly warm nesting place, frequented by humans they can feed on. Attracted to humans by carbon dioxide, body heat and other chemicals our bodies emit, bed bugs are usually more active during the day as it gives them ample time to latch onto sleeping humans.

How to identify them?

Bed bugs are very small, about the size of an apple seed and usually difficult to see unless there is very good lighting and you possess sharp eyesight.

You can, however, identify their presence by two means.

Stains- bed bugs leave fecal matter wherever they stay and this is usually black and easily visible on mattresses. You might also find some red splotchy stains after bed bugs have been accidentally killed.

Shells – bed bugs as they matured release their shells and these slightly yellow shells found in beds or other areas are a dead giveaway of their presence.

How do you know when you’re bitten?

It depends on the individual’s skin and its reaction to feeding on bed bugs, but most bites appear as if they are bumps.
These little bumps are usually discovered in a straight line and are itchy and even painful sometimes (see above image)

Can they carry diseases?

Bed bugs do not carry diseases, as with mosquitoes.

You must, however, refrain from scratching the area with the bites in order to prevent it from getting infected.

So, what can I do to avoid these evil insects?

Read our guide to dealing with bed bugs and what to do if bitten.
